Sunday, August 17, 2008

hurricane Fay

We are expecting Hurricane Fay to hit Florida in the next few days. How strong it will be or where it will effect is really anybodys guess. But it isd now predicted that it will hit central florida in the area where I reside. The unpredicctability of these storms is the worst part and one of the reasons I dislike living in Florida. I'm really not sure what I am going to do. I have never had to go to a shelter and I have my dog ( Scooter ) to consider. I guess I will just have to tough it out and hope for the best.
The worst part is after the storm when there is no electric, and you a forced to live in a condition that is somewhat primitave. There is also the lack of gas or if there is gas everyone is fighting to get to it and we get the animals of homo sapiens act out. I past storms I have actuall seen people actuall fight to get ahead of the line. I still wish I could live in the woods away from the rest of society.

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